WP Staging Pro - Creating Staging Sites

WP Staging Pro - Creating Staging Sites

Clone Your WordPress & Copy Staging Changes to Live Site. WP Staging Allows You to Work Safely on Your Website: Copy db & files from staging to live site; Exclude specific db tables & folders; Very fast cloning process; User roles authentication; Even huge websites are supported; Very simple to use.
WP Hide & Security Enhancer Pro

WP Hide & Security Enhancer Pro

WordPress Hide & Security Enhancer is a flexible, well-supported and easy-to-use plugin to hide any WordPress fingerprints and traces, making your site Content Management System (CMS) impossible to detect. Prevent over 99,99% of intrusions, which is a huge security improvement as your site will never get hacked by attackers and boots who try to exploit the huge list of WordPress security holes which get bigger every day.
WP Guard - Security Firewall & Anti-Spam plugin for WordPress

WP Guard - Security Firewall & Anti-Spam plugin for WordPress

WP Guard is a powerful WordPress security plugin that will protect your website from hackers, attacks and other threats. It will protect your website from SQLi Attacks (SQL Injections), XSS Vulnerabilities, Proxy Visitors, VPN Visitors, TOR Visitors, Spam, Malicious Files (Viruses) and many other types of threats. WP Guard uses an intelligent algorithms (similar to the ones used by major industry companies) to detect all known hacker attacks as well as new unknown threats using code recognition and patterns, and automatically takes action. WP Guard is directly integrated with WordPress, you can view all logs in the Admin Panel and it is also integrated with Ban System from which can be banned Visitors (IP Addresses), Countries,…
WP GeoIP Country Redirect

WP GeoIP Country Redirect

WordPress GeoIP Country Redirect plugin allows you to automatically redirect your visitors based on their country and a set of rules which you can define into wordpress administration panel.
WP Activity Log (Premium)

WP Activity Log (Premium)

The most comprehensive WordPress activity log plugin to keep a record of user changes, ease troubleshooting & identify suspicious behaviour early to thwart malicious hacks.
WP 2FA Premium - Two-factor authentication for WordPress

WP 2FA Premium - Two-factor authentication for WordPress

The #1 user-rated 2FA WordPress plugin Join thousands of WordPress site owners – use WP 2FA to add an extra layer of security to your websites login pages. A powerful two-factor authentication WordPress plugin that’s easy to use! Improve the security of your WordPress website’s authentication, boost your team’s productivity, and help your customers and business partners keep their data on your website secure.
WooCommerce Email Verification

WooCommerce Email Verification

“WooCommerce Email Verification” is a WooCommerce addon to generate account verification link on user registration. So say no to spam and only focus on genuine customers.
UpdraftPlus Premium

UpdraftPlus Premium

The world's most trusted WordPress backup plugin. Your site is susceptible to things like hacking, server crashes, dodgy updates and user error. That's why you need UpdraftPlus, the world's highest-rated and most installed WordPress backup plugin.


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