WP Fancy Title and Ticker WordPress Plugin

WP Fancy Title and Ticker WordPress Plugin

WP Fancy Title and Ticker WordPress Plugin is a very simple and light weight WordPress plugin for any type of WordPress sites. It will allow you to animate your WordPress site title and change site title when you are in other tab also you can add news ticker. It will help you to keep users much time in your site what can be a good idea for your site SEO. It’s very easy to use and have lot’s of multiple features for site title. We will recommend you to use this plugin.
Affiliate Butler Pro

Affiliate Butler Pro

Auto replace your affiliate links and track them. Features: External linking, make the keywords link to websites | Internal linking, make the keywords link to your internal posts or pages | Images and Galleries Popups | Google Maps Popups | Auto Linking Categories and Taxonomies | Comprehensive Stats, (Number of Clicks, Countries, Browsers and much more) | Organize the keywords by categories.
Fancy Heading addon for elementor

Fancy Heading addon for elementor

“BWD Fancy Heading” is a lightweight Elementor base WordPress plugin to add an attractive Fancy Heading to your website without any coding knowledge. There is 28+ unique preset Fancy Heading that looks awesome. For Kind information, more than 100+ designs will be included very soon.
BWD Animated Link addon for elementor

BWD Animated Link addon for elementor

“BWD Animated Link” is a lightweight Elementor base WordPress plugin to add an attractive Animated Link to your website without any coding knowledge. There are 40+ unique preset bio styles that look awesome. For Kind information, more than 100+ styles will be included very soon.
CSS3 Tooltips For WordPress

CSS3 Tooltips For WordPress

CSS3 Tooltips is a lightweight, easy-to-use tooltips plugin for WordPress. It’s based on pure CSS3 and comes loaded with plenty of options. 50 predefined CSS3 styles, 10 different tooltip positions, optional tooltip headers, support for images and videos, adjustable delay, notification icons, tooltips On Hover over element and On Click and support for mobile devices. Plugin comes with shortcode generator and global settings with nice feature to display CSS3 Tooltips for all links by default.


Ashade | Photography WordPress Theme

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