RegistrationMagic Premium

RegistrationMagic Premium

The #1 WordPress User Registration Plugin Beautiful, Easy and Powerful WordPress Registration Form System. With RegistrationMagic WordPress Registration Plugin, every WordPress registration form is unique. It can have its own set of custom fields, content and configuration. Each WordPress user registration form is represented by a Form Card, which provides at-a-glance view of form submissions, user registrations, shortcuts menu and access to form settings.
WooCommerce User Registration Plugin - Custom Fields, validate login & customer roles

WooCommerce User Registration Plugin - Custom Fields, validate login & customer roles

The plugin allows to add custom registration fields in user registration form for WooCommerce. The plugin also allows admin to enable/disable Woocommerce default registration fields in the registration form. Admin can create custom user roles using Wordpress native UI. Admin can allow users to request a user role while registration, users requested roles can be granted automatically or manually. Login access can be managed without deleting user accounts. Admin can activate or disable user accounts. Send custom email notifications for account enable, account disable and user requested role approval.
ARMember + Addons

ARMember + Addons

ARMember is wordpress membership plugin for 2022, a One Stop Solution to sell WordPress subscription, user registration plugin, user profiles and lot more without having any advanced knowledge of programming.
Restrict Content Pro + Addons

Restrict Content Pro + Addons

Restrict Content Pro is a complete membership and premium content manager plugin for WordPress. Create an unlimited number of memberships levels, including free, trial and premium. Manage members and their subscriptions, track payments, offer discounts with a complete discount code system, and provide premium, members-only content to your subscribers.
User Role Editor Pro

User Role Editor Pro

User Role Editor WordPress plugin will help you. Edit any existing role, create new one, fill selected role with capabilities which you need. Assign new created roles or capabilities directly to the user. Are you satisfied with standard WordPress roles list or user capabilities distribution among them? Do you wish to change something in the users rights and permissions system? User Role Editor WordPress plugin will help you. Edit any existing role, create new one, fill selected role with capabilities which you need. Assign new created roles or capabilities directly to the user.
PrivateContent - Multilevel Content Plugin

PrivateContent - Multilevel Content Plugin

PrivateContent is a powerful, yet easy, solution to power wordpress, turning it into a true multilevel membership platform. Take advantage from advanced users management features and restrict any part of your website. Everything without coding skills!
Age Checker for WordPress

Age Checker for WordPress

Age Checker is an age verification plugin for WordPress. This plugin asks users to verify their age on page load. Once a user confirms that they are above the minimum age, the page content is made accessible. Age restriction is useful for a variety of industries such as alcohol, gambling or adult websites.
Walogin - Login with crypto wallet for WordPress

Walogin - Login with crypto wallet for WordPress

What is Walogin? As you know, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies are getting popular day by day and their usage area is increasing. With Walogin, you can allow your users to log in to your WordPress sites with their crypto wallets and use the membership features. For new registrations, the “Membership (Anyone can register)” setting must be active in the wordpress general settings section!
Share Logins Pro

Share Logins Pro

Do you run multiple WordPress sites and want to synchronize user activities? E.g. when they log in to any one of your sites, do you want that they to get logged in to other sites automatically? Well, here we came into the picture! Share Logins is the plugin you have been waiting for ages!
Readabler - WordPress Accessibility Plugin

Readabler - WordPress Accessibility Plugin

Readabler is a WordPress accessibility plugin that expands the boundaries of information accessibility for people with special portability. The availability of content for people with special needs or difficulties with information perception is the most important part of each site’s operation.


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