WPShapere - Wordpress Admin Theme

WPShapere - WordPress Admin Theme

WPShapere WordPress Admin Theme is a WordPress plugin and a powerful tool to customize your WordPress admin. It will totally white label the WordPress admin section. With WPShapere you have the ability to offer your customers a complete new admin dashboard with your brand name.
Kreatura - Slider Plugin for WordPress + Templates

Kreatura - Slider Plugin for WordPress + Templates

LayerSlider is a premium multi-purpose animation platform. Slideshows & image galleries with mind-blowing effects, gorgeously animated landing pages & page blocks, or even a full website can be created using LayerSlider. Every website can benefit from the capabilities of this plugin.
Ultimate Membership Pro WordPress Plugin

Ultimate Membership Pro WordPress Plugin

Ultimate Membership Pro is the newest and the best Membership WordPress Plugin that allow you to create and work with multi-level exclusive access for your Users based on simple Free packages or Payed packages.
Admin Columns Pro

Admin Columns Pro

Add, remove and re-order your columns. Using our drag-and-drop-interface, loved by thousands of users around the world, you gain full control over your posts and other overview screens. Add, remove and re-order any column for posts, users, taxonomies, comments and media. With over 90 columns to choose from including: featured images, custom fields and taxonomies. Create the interface you’ve always dreamed of (if you’re into WordPress that much).
Advanced Custom Fields Pro

Advanced Custom Fields Pro

Supercharge your website with powerful functionality! Purchase ACF PRO and unlock the repeater field, flexible content field, gallery field and options page features!
Live Chat Unlimited

Live Chat Unlimited

Chat with your customers on your site for sales and support easily, and beautifully. Now LiveChat uses real-time technology and you are able to install on unlimited websites.
WP Crowdfunding Pro

WP Crowdfunding Pro

WP Crowdfunding is a revolutionary WordPress plugin that helps you create a fundraising or backer site with WordPress. This plugin is based on WooCommerce. It has a native wallet system for accepting local payments. WP Crowdfunding has the facility to split the money through Stripe Connect. This fundraising WordPress plugin gives you a theme completely free with its pro package. It’s a full fledged crowdfunding system.


Ashade | Photography WordPress Theme

本站承接 WordPress / PbootCMS / DedeCMS 等