Ridek - Online Taxi Booking Service HTML5 Template


Ridek – Online Taxi Booking Service HTML template gives you an opportunity to build online taxi booking, cab services, car rental, and private car hiring websites. Save your expensive time and money. Everything you need to create your online taxi booking, car rental, and private car hiring website is available straight from the box.

Our template includes not one, but two different homepage designs, giving you the flexibility to choose the one that best suits your needs. With a total of 18+ pages available, you can customize your website to your heart’s content. And with the included working AJAX contact form and taxi booking form, your customers can easily get in touch and book a ride with just a few clicks.


We use the latest technology and frameworks to bring you a superior experience. Ridek is built on Bootstrap 5, which ensures that your website is fully responsive and optimized for all devices. With its mobile-first approach, your website will look great on any screen size, whether it’s a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

At Ridek, we believe that a clean design is key to a successful website. That’s why our template features a minimalist and modern design that is sure to impress your customers. We use free Google fonts and icons fonts, ensuring that your website looks great without breaking the bank.

We pride ourselves on our well-documented and easily editable template. With W3C-validated codes, you can rest assured that your website will be optimized for search engines. And with our clean code, you can easily make changes and customize your website to meet your unique needs.

Ridek - Online Taxi Booking Service HTML5 Template

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